We’ve had students who live in Australia, Ohio, California, Maryland and all over the globe.
Learn at home, on your own time.
Participate in our LIVE online webinars.
And come visit us in Nashville at our next Expo, we’d love to see you!
In the mean time feel free to stay right where you are, keep your overhead low and follow the Program. Learn. Grow. And dominate your area.
Nashville is now the hub for just about every type of music genre out there. And the business and artistic principles that NADU teaches are universally applicable to any music genre or Artist.
It varies but a safe estimation would be 2 or 3 years to get everything you need in place. (Business structure, songwriting upgrades, Full EPK, sales and marketing…all of these things take time and effort)
Obviously if an artist is able to devote themselves to their studies full time it may go a little faster. If they aren’t able to dedicate themselves to the Program full time it may take a little longer.
In either scenario you’re much better off:
*Avoiding the typical mistakes and pitfalls
(saving thousands of dollars and years of time)
*Breaking the WRUPP cycle (What is the WRUPP cycle?)
*Connecting with the NADU Community
*Having structure and a plan to follow
*Building your career in the correct order
*Not wasting money on guesswork
The NADU Program is light speed (and so much more fun) compared to the usual chaotic mess that most artists experience.
In person, classroom and one-on-one learning definitely have their own unique and valuable interactive benefits. They also have serious limitations.
-Limited instructor availability
-Limited event frequency
-Limited information retention and review
-Time and travel expense for live events
-High cost for private instruction
-Limits the amount of information that can be delivered.
Our online program houses an enormous amount of content. No amount of workshops, live sessions or one-on-one Instructor meetings could manually communicate this vast amount of information, all of which is vital to your career.
Online Music Career Program:
-Over 280 instructional videos – 4,200 minutes.
-Memory retention quizzes
-Step-by-step Project instruction
-Links and downloadable resources
-Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week on your schedule
-Simply re-watch or re-wind
(instead of having to track down your Instructor or remember what they said a few weeks ago)
Technology and Online Learning definitely have major advantages.
However, we do also provide in person learning:
-Regular LIVE Zoom workshops and Q&A sessions
-Live in-person EXPOS
*Special Guests
*Songwriting workshops
*Live Performance evaluations
*Creating new friendships
-Private Instructors (add’l cost – application required)
No. Anyone can register as a Student.
But Full Disclosure: Our program is primarily focused on the Singer/Songwriter/Performer.
Of course we LOVE our Pure Songwriter, Instrumentalist and Studio Vocalist friends! If that’s you, we have many aspects of the Program and Individual Modules to help support and further your success!
If you’re a Singer/Songwriter/Performer/Artist…it’s best to sign up for the FULL Online Music Career Program, get your education and become an Artist Entrepreneur.
YES. The Program is successful for those who apply it, complete the process and do the work.
NO. Obviously the Program can’t do the work for you, you must to do the work to create your own success. It’s all about building you up as an Artist Entrepreneur.
It’s a very similar process to learning an instrument.
If you watch videos and listen to people talk about the instrument but never touch it, you’ll fail.
But if you listen to instructor, pick up your instrument and work, work, work…you succeed.
Don’t forget, the music business is just that, a business like any other. And in all businesses not everyone does the work it takes to succeed in their chosen field.
There are never guarantees in any profession. But can someone “make it” as an insurance agent? A doctor? A banker? A full time artist? Of course you can. If you follow the plan and do the work.
It’s a business just like any other. And you can do it.